resource and support hero banner peopels are running.

resource and support hero banner peopels are running.

Not an actual patient.

No need to go it alone

Access savings and educational resources for every step of the way

Resources & educational information

how to use the pen image

How to use the pen

Read the step-by-step instructions for use

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taking hympavzi thumb nail image.


Watch the injection video

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Pfizer Hemophilia Connect

When HYMPAVZI is prescribed by your doctor, Pfizer may provide you with information about insurance coverage and reimbursement support, as well as educational resources to help along the treatment journey.

Call Pfizer Hemophilia Connect at 1-888-733-2030 to enroll, Monday through Friday, 8 AM – 6 PM ET

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Live phone support

Call 1-888 HYMPAV-Z (1-888-496-7289) for more information.

Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST

educational information icon.

One-on-one educational information

Connect with a Pfizer Patient Affairs Liaison (PAL). PALs can connect patients and caregivers affected by rare conditions with programs and information.*

PALs are available Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST


*Pfizer PALs are not measured or awarded based on sales performance, nor will they ask you to switch products.

Learn if you're eligible to save on HYMPAVZI